The external difference between the generations of Jews led by Moses, and that of Joshua, was that the Joshua generation entered into their promises while the Moses generation died in the process. However, we know their experiences were a product of the state of their hearts. Thoughts beyond the range of their consciousness shaped the experiences in their lives. This still holds true today. The state of the heart will eventually govern the events of the life. Outward forms of life are moulds of the inner thoughts.
One generation lived in the experience of fear amidst God’s presence; the other lived with the experience of faith in their hearts amidst the challenges. One needed God to move externally before they moved; the other provoked the visitations of God by daring to get their feet wet.
One waited for God to part the red sea before they stepped in, the other knew they had to step into the waters rejoicing in their hearts before God, for the sea to part. The Law is straight forward. “Provided your heart (internal part of you) enjoys the spiritual experience of seeing the Jordan part (seeing the vision fulfilled) while your feet (external part of you) still feels the experience of being flooded by the waters of the Jordan, the spiritual will impose its dominion over the naturalâ€.
It is when your heart experiences the waters of the Jordan through the information it gets from the feet that it gets depressed and failure occurs. Let your heart rise above your present experiences and your experiences will be forced to rise to the level of your heart. It is what the heart experiences that ultimately determines the direction and the pace of the development of your life.
One of the ways you raise your consciousness above your present experiences and transform your mind is through singing. Singing directly impacts your heart for through it you create spiritual experiences in your soul. Sing your future as though it were your present experience in thanksgiving unto God, and your heart will rise above your present experiences taking the shape of the inner image God has placed in you. Have a great week... Pastor Poju Oyemade
Singing praise is good but how can one sing praises in the mist of difficulties?
I want to master this act of singing praises to God amist challenges of life.
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