Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Authority in the Word

The power of God is inside His word, this means without Him was not anything made that was made (John1:3). He was there in the beginning and He came to us in the flesh. We beheld His glory and He is now releasing grace and truth to us.

When you start praying, the answer does not come when things change on the outside, but when the revelation comes inside you. There is a peace that enters you and you are amazed at the power of revelation because it wipes out every doubt.

Once you enter into the Holiest of all and revelation unfolds, you do not have to go back because revelation has been granted. The Bible says Christ is the high priest of good things to come (Hebrews 9:11).

Those good things are the promises of God because He is the mediator of the new covenant established on better promises (Hebrews 9:15). No matter the situation because Christ is your high priest, a good thing will come out of it. There is a promise from heaven that will quicken dead things in that circumstance.

Before you run around, get that revelation on the inside and then the next thing is to start calling those things that be not as though it were. This means once you have heard from heaven you must hold the thought captive.

Say the words into your life as though it is an existing reality. Do not talk like it is going to happen, talk because it has already happened. This is because in the spirit realm there is no time, it has either happened or it will never happen.

We need to understand the difference between the existence and manifestation of the thoughts we have. The law about manifestation is that after you have heard heaven on the matter it is settled.

There is no matter that God cannot talk to you about. Once you get the promise on that particular matter the next thing is that you must start calling those things that be not as though they already were..Pastor Poju Oyemade

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Depth and Benefit of the Abrahamic Covenant

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. (2Chronicles 16:9a) God has certain things that He wants to do, but what He wants to do is conditional i.e. they are based on the promises that He has made.

God says He will keep the promises because of His covenant. Thus the basis of the Abrahamic faith is on a definite promise and the starting point of our faith walk is the finished work of Jesus. If Jesus did not die and was not raised on the third day, then our faith is of no use.

Paul said if in this life we only have this hope then of all men we are most miserable. (1 Corinthians 15:19) This means there is an extension of these promises into life after death.

The depth of this covenant goes beyond just having a good life on earth even if it is about the best life ever lived. If that is all it is about, he said we are of all men miserable. In essence there is a large portion, in fact a very substantive portion of the covenant in the life that we are going to live after we leave this physical body.

When people get into the Abrahamic covenant and become conscious of it, the reason for making certain decisions become clearer. Sometimes it could be because of the repercussions that reach through eternity.

As a result of this people will decide to conduct their affairs in a particular way behaving like strangers and pilgrims on the earth because of the hope that they have before them (Hebrews 11:13b). So there is a depth that is attached to this than just the laws of success. Observing principles and laws is good, but it must be solidly based on understanding the Gospel and knowing that this is where ones faith is grounded... Pastor Poju Oyemade

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Power of Imagination and Sowing

Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be (Romans 4:18). There are two important principles in this verse. One is the seed principle the second is believing despite circumstantial evidence.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds and casting down imaginations…(2Corthians 10:4-5). God said there is nothing they have imagined to do that will be restrained from them. (Gen 11:6) This means there is no restraining force on the earth to stop a man who has imagined, unless God personally intervenes to stop that person. This means the person in their imagination has seen themselves doing those things. When Satan wants to stop a person, he also works with the imagination of the person.

Every single person (whether you realise t or not), has an image about them-self right now that is determining the events in their life. Imaging confers boundaries and you have to change the image you have if it is the wrong one. It takes warfare to cast that old image down and to replace it. That is where the warfare really is. Once you change the image, God said so shall thy seed be. This means He gives you the opportunity to sow seed on the earth so that the image inside you can be translated to a physical form.

And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body (1Corth 15:37-38).The scripture is saying when you sow a seed you do not sow the body. When he told Abraham to look at the stars in the heaven, those stars are the product(s) of the seed(s) that are sown. God will show you the seed to sow. Once you get that image on the inside an opportunity is created for it to be realised in your life, this opportunity is for you to sow. There are things that come your way in response to that image that gives you the opportunity to sow. When you sow a seed God goes to work to give it a body. God gives it a body as it has pleased Him and the creation of that body is a function of praise. So when you sow the seed it goes to sleep. The sounding of the trumpet is praise. When you start praising and you have sown the necessary seed, it starts changing things out there in the natural. God gives you an opportunity to see every step and this is a covenant of God that can never fail..Pastor Poju Oyemade

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Unity of Minds

The unity principle is the basis for all great achievements and the foundational stone for major important issues in all human progress. Whether it is individual progress or collective progress it provides the key to the attainment of great power. Unity is defined as an alliance of two or more hearts blended in a spirit of perfect harmony co-operating for the attainment of a definite purpose.

The key to its power may be found in the word harmony. Without that element, collective effort may be co-operation but it will lack the power which harmony provides and because of this it will be called co-ordination of efforts.

This means that when people are trying to accomplish something together it does not mean that in their hearts that they are in harmony with one another. There are people trying to do things with their hands but inside their heart they are not in harmony with one another.

This means they are not speaking the same language on that issue. But the key to real corporation building and enterprise development is that the people must be in harmony. They may not have any money, but in their heart they are one with one another and are saying the same thing.

With every specific choice that you make a limiting factor leaves your life and a greater expression of God enters your life until you have in your inner circle only the people that you choose to be there. Therefore, start making definite choices in your life because you need to make them. If your inner alignment does not go with it let it go but be true to who you really are...Pastor Poju Oyemade