Saturday, January 19, 2013

A More Intimate Walk

Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for He hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.(Hosea 6vs1-3)

The above Scripture tells the story of people who had stopped serving the Lord diligently. They however realised the need to return to the Lord in order to have their lives back on track.  They had examined their condition(s) and based on the activity in their environment, it was obvious that they had departed from following the ways of the living God. They lacked the knowledge and wisdom of God for purposeful living.
We must follow the path of the Lord. If knowing Him better becomes our everyday goal, we will realise that He has prepared our going forth as the morning. Our future is certain and nothing can change this! The Lord has gone before us. He has made adequate preparation for the next unfolding minute.  When God is at the centre of our lives, we find true purpose. He takes the centre stage when we constantly commune with Him and when we study and meditate on His word. The Word contains God’s thought or mind set on any given venture.  The truth is that God is yearning for individuals who will get on more intimate walk with Him. He desires to entrust you with ideas and projects that will move the world to the next level. If you will follow on to know Him the more, you will find out that everything you will ever want or need, the Lord has already prepared. Every question you will ask, He has answered. Just like you wake up every day to the birth of a new morning, His blessings shall come on you like the former and latter rain unto the earth.
The men in the above passage took a decision to pursue certain things in life which led to them straying from the ways of God.  After their experience which was not pleasant, they humbly concluded that walking the path of life with the fear of the Lord in their hearts was the only and best way to get anything done in life. The string of events in life is divinely orchestrated. If you stay attached to God, you will find the place and inheritance He has prepared for you.
For every person on the earth whether it is known or not, everything concerning life has been prepared. Align with the Word and the purpose of God for your life will naturally unfold and then, come to pass in its due season. Do what is right in His sight…the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, then God will come forth for you with that which He has already prepared. For His blessings maketh one rich and added no sorrow.
“Poju Oyemade”           

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