Tuesday, November 22, 2011

November Monthly 3-Day Fast Guideline

November Monthly 3-Day Fast Guidelines

Guidelines for the Monthly 3-Day Fast from the 17th of November till the 19th of November, 2011

Step 1.

Spend time ministering to the Lord. Wake up earlier than usual and spend time just worshipping Him.

Get out all resentment towards Him about things not yet done and thank and worship Him over what He has done.

Come to terms with your present knowing that’s the gateway to your future by reconciling yourself with this moment in your life.

Take pleasure in things you are dissatisfied with by rejoicing in them instead of mentally avoiding them. Understand that as you accept all things as instruments in God’s hand they work out for your own good.

Step 2.

Make sure you clear your heart of any animosity towards anyone. Make it your season of jubilee, which is a declaration of freedom into the lives of all you might have something legitimately against. Spend sometime praying for people in that category.

Break down every middle wall of partition b/w you in your heart that is, extend good will to them in prayer. (The outer walls of limitations around you crumble as you tear down the middle walls of partition b/w you and others)

Remember also those you know going through any difficult times and pray that the burden may be lifted and yoke broken. #Key to obtaining break through during a fast (Isaiah 58: 5,6 and psalm 35:13}

Step 3.

Pray for the mercy of God upon Covenant Christian Centre as a Body and on your family as an entity and you as an individual. That He will pardon for all areas we operate outside His perfect plan and purpose. Ask that He will reveal His plans and purpose to us and make us know the areas where adjustments have to be made for the release of His grace. (Col 4:12)

Pray and ask that He will break the influence of the spirit of ignorance over the soul of every member of the Church destroy the veil over their hearts and uncover His purpose and plan where they are right now. (Isaiah 25: 7)

Pray and ask that He will break the influence of the spirit of infirmity over every one so that each man will have the inner capacity to lift their experience and condition to the level of knowledge that they have. (Luke 13:11)

Pray that everyone who is living in sin will be quickened by God in His mercy and delivered from the bondage into the purpose of God for their lives. Pray the influence of unclean spirits over their souls is broken. (Eph 2:1)

Ask that every sin be blotted out such that the consequence may not come on them and also that God will stretch His hand to heal our physical bodies. (Psalm 103: 3,4)


Based on Your Word in Isaiah 58, I declare that I have experienced all these during and shortly after this fast.

The light I need in my life has broken forth as the morning. I have clear direction and my thoughts about …………… are crystal clear. I know clearly am into God’s hidden plan for my life.

My body experiences perfect health, I feel stronger than ever before and much younger.

My rightness has gone before me and people speak very well of me in high places.

God you have covenanted to protect me even in things am not aware of You have covered me I am totally secured.

God’s presence is much stronger on my life such that my experience is that answers to my prayers are now instantaneous.

I experience no season of lack in my life. From every challenging season where my human limitations gets exposed I have experienced a new lease of life. I am regarded as a well-watered garden and the flow in my life never stops.

I ride in the high places of the earth above only and never beneath.

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