Thursday, September 23, 2010

Stirring the Intellectual grassroots of a Nation

In a few days we will be celebrating 50 years of Nigeria's Independence. To many the reality of the times doesn't call for a celebration but a deep sense of reflection.

This is however the path many have gone through in their quiet private moments ending up with a sense of helplessness in that as much as they hate things the way they are, they feel the lack of power to produce that necessary change. They lack the power to build a world class infrastructure on a national scale, a public school system that works, an efficient healthcare system and an orderly modern society built on law and technology.

Hope about building a great country begins to fade somewhere deep within their consciousness and that desire is replaced by a determination among a few to pursue personal success against all odds and become that 'self-made man' idolised by entrepreneurial societies like Nigeria.

To others who don't possess such fierce individual drive, quitting the stage whichever way that is interpreted becomes their goal. This could be realised by either leaving the geographical space called Nigeria or remaining here while playing the victim, blaming the environment for personal woes and inability to produce.

To be honest this edition of the Platform is directed at the first category of people, the able men and women within our society. The class who have shown incredible courage and intelligence against all odds.

This Platform is for you to answer that new call. What can I do to shape the country I love and how I can go about it?

The call is to bridge the divide between seeking just to use your power to achieve your personal goals and protect yourself from the broken society around you, but also to release that power into your environment to rebuild it.

By answering this call, not only do you experience a quantum leap in the realisation of your personal goals but a sense of true citizenship and personal identity is discovered..Pastor Poju Oyemade

October 2nd Platform Speakers list out!!

The formidable list of speakers for October 2nd is out! We have our very own Pastor Poju, Professor Bayo Olukoshi, Professor Yemi Osibajo, Mr. Leke Alder, Rev Sam Adeyemi, Opeyemi Agbaje, Thelma Ekiyor and Ibukun Awosika as the faculty for this edition!

If you have ever heard any of these speakers, you must know that you’re in for not just plain talking, but insights that will not just amaze, challenge you, but also prompt you to ACT on what you’ve learned.

Click on the link below to view their profiles and retrieve more breaking news!

Please forward, pass on and send this information to friends, family, foes, acquaintances and everyone that you know. Do NOT KEEP THIS TO YOURSELF!

Spread the message and let others participate...from wherever they are!

Register for the Platform

The 17th is finally here...This is the time for those that would like to be at the Platform venue LIVE to register.

Just go to the website and register.

Here is the link

If you don’t register, you will NOT be given admittance to the venue. Once you have done the needful, the confirmation and code will be sent to you.

Ensure that you fill ALL the required slots e.g. phone number, name, email address. The compulsory fields are a MUST fill so if you do anything...DON’T FORGET TO FILL THEM.